Sunday, September 30, 2018

Relax, Release, Forgive, and Love!

I began releasing things, jobs, people, negative thoughts and anything that didn't bring me some form of joy and inner peace into my life! I began paying close attention to how I felt about situations, circumstances, places, people, colors, smells, the taste of foods, clothing, hair styles and colors, everything! If I'd receive the slightest vibration of "something is just not right" then I'd not get involved ~~~ period!

After eliminating unnecessary stuff from my experience I began the process of forgiveness! I forgave everyone and thing that had ever caused me any ill feelings, hurts, pains, scars, memories it didn't matter I forgave it and/or them and finally I forgave the most important person in this saga, ME!

As the darkness began lifting from my existence the next major thing that I realized I must do is LOVE! I began loving myself first, because it is factual that if a person doesn't love themselves then there is no way they'll be able to properly, respectfully, healthily love someone else! All of the things about myself that I had disliked in my past I began to like and eventually I began to love! I began appreciating everything about me all the way to my cellular level! Throughout the day I would tell myself how much I loved me and how I appreciated all of my organs and bodily functions operating in the perfection that they had been created to function not in a narcissistic way, but in an I will be happy, healthy and whole type of way as I decided to follow William Shakespeare's advice, "this above all: to thine own self be true"!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Garbage in ~ Garbage out!

This was more difficult than I thought, because I felt like Rip Van Winkle as if I’d awakened into someone else’s life and I didn’t like what I was experiencing but I didn’t know how to get out of it and if this was my reality it was a playground merry-go-round and I wanted off! I was silently screaming “stop the ride I want to get off”, but whoever was spinning the ride was going faster and faster and I was getting sick!

Over the years I had many diagnoses: obesity, arthritis, IBS, otitis, meningitis, hair falling out, PTSD, border line diabetic, abnormal cells in my left breast, neurological disorders and some other stuff! Then one day one of my doctors said to me “it’s time you take back your life and stop looking at all of the things you haven’t done and look at the things you have done!”  With my doctor’s words ringing in my ears later that night I cried out to God “how do I take back my life?”  “Help me!”

To release the additional pounds that I was carrying around I began delving deeply into my inner being of finding me! I had lost me years ago and I had morphed into a person that I didn’t like or approve of. I had to get beneath the layers of broken dreams, emotional hurts, spiritual starvation, career disillusionment, and overall discontentment with life and as we all know our exterior is reflective of our interior.

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Evolution to Becoming Healthy...

In order to love life I realized that after being literally "sick and tired" that I must first and foremost become healthy! The Biblical promise in Genesis 6:3 indicates that I have the option of living to be 120 years of age! Not at this rate! So I decided to take my health seriously and do something about it. I decided to take Nike's advice and "just do it"!

The following pictures are of my progression from 228 lbs...

2009 ~ 45 years of age!

2013 ~ 49 years of age!
2015 ~ 51 years of age!

2017 ~ 53 years of age!
 and the journey continues!

Friday, September 14, 2018

Mission Statement:

As I continuously evolve as a member of the human race within the sub-group of Psychology my mission is to become a better mother, grandmother, friend, sister, employee, business owner, lover, daughter, learner, teacher, researcher and motivator as I continuously develop my ability to accept, understand, acknowledge, encourage, be compassionate and allow others to evolve on their life's journey as well.

I know we will cross the finish line at different times and in different mental and physical states, therefore; I'll not walk in front of my fellow beings as they may not follow me. I'll not walk behind my fellow beings, because I may not follow them.  However, I will walk beside my fellow beings to offer love, support and to simply be a friend so that together we activate the rippling affect and effect into our area of influence to affect and effect our area of concern in this global community that we all reside.

Ain't Nobody Grand, but God!