Friday, September 14, 2018

Mission Statement:

As I continuously evolve as a member of the human race within the sub-group of Psychology my mission is to become a better mother, grandmother, friend, sister, employee, business owner, lover, daughter, learner, teacher, researcher and motivator as I continuously develop my ability to accept, understand, acknowledge, encourage, be compassionate and allow others to evolve on their life's journey as well.

I know we will cross the finish line at different times and in different mental and physical states, therefore; I'll not walk in front of my fellow beings as they may not follow me. I'll not walk behind my fellow beings, because I may not follow them.  However, I will walk beside my fellow beings to offer love, support and to simply be a friend so that together we activate the rippling affect and effect into our area of influence to affect and effect our area of concern in this global community that we all reside.

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Ain't Nobody Grand, but God!