Monday, August 17, 2020

3 of 6 Dimensions of Wellness: Spiritual Well-being


Image by Joan

What's your concept of being connected to "Something greater than yourself?" Recently, I heard myself say to a co-worker that I am a part of "Something greater than myself" not expecting to hear that his response was to repeat what I'd said: "Something greater than yourself" then he looked at me and simply replied "hmmn". Quickly, I said I have certain values, principles, purpose, morals, and beliefs that adds balance to my life and these concepts acts as guides for my life. Whenever, I feel off balanced I self-regulate, forgive myself and get back inline without feeling condemned". Looking at him I added "you probably have those same concepts that you live by, too; but you just call them something different".

Today, I ask that you seek value and meaning in your life experiences and to stop referring to your experiences as mistakes, because even the "mistakes" have value with lessons to be learned. Therefore, appreciate your life experiences, learn from them, then move on with the new found understanding that you will get another chance to demonstrate what you've learned regarding that situation so be ready to pass the next test. 

Accept the concept that there is a reason for everything! If the same situation or same person or same type of person keep occurring in your life realize you are being taught a lesson that you have not yet embraced for deeper understanding of who you are. Stop. Listen. Analyze. Respond from a different perspective and live in the moment of your wisdom. 

Write your feelings and emotions down on preferably paper, but your computerized devices may be used as well. Get those negative feelings and emotions out of you so that you are not internalizing negativity that you will only wrestle with over and over again that will cause you continuous pain and hurt. 

Once those negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions have been ejected you can now allow the positive thoughts, emotions, and feelings to settle in so that the joys of life and of living in the moment resides in you. As you transcend from negative to positive you will begin to look and feel healthy, happy, successful, prosperous, and love! After all, don't you deserve to enjoy the best that life has to offer you in the freedom of positive spiritual, mental and physical well-being (Townsend, 2019)?

Lastly, take time for yourself to get quiet and listen to the silence from within of simply "being" to get in tuned to the Creator of all things! Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened, because everyone that ask will receive, he that seeks will find, and to him that knocks it shall be opened (Matthew 7:7-8, n.d.)


Matthew 7:7-8. (n.d.) Retrieved 08 17, 2020, from BibleGateway:

Townsend, J.B. (2019). You Deserve...Health, Happiness, Success, Prosperity, & Love! Flint, MI. USA: BookBaby. Retrieved 08 17, 2020



  1. The concept of being connected and knowing who you’re connected to makes all the difference in this world. I have to step back and not only reflect but knowing The connector is there at all time gives me strength!!

  2. The ability to self-reflect and look within is a privilege and the more we do it the closer we get to better understanding who we are.

    Cassie, thank you for reading and responding to my post!



Ain't Nobody Grand, but God!