Wednesday, September 9, 2020

6 0f 6 Dimensions of Wellness: Social Wellness


Photo by: Helena Lopes/Pexels

You and all of your relationships along with how you react to those relationships are the sum total of your social well-being. The relationships can be positive, loving, kind and considerate offering support in both good and bad times. On the other hand, the relationships can be detrimental offering stress and constant emotions of unhappiness, despair, rejection, and misery. 

Also, be cognizant of the emotions that people draw out of you. Be conscious of the inner voice that shouts "DANGER" and activates your alert system or the warm and fuzzy feelings that whispers relax, sit a spell laugh and talk. 

The goal is to seek out optimal social relationships with people that understands and cooperates with the ideology of "give and receive" with support, compliments and encouragement. They are great communicators and they are respectful of themselves and of others offering a full understanding and acceptance of boundaries. They have a zest for life operating under the umbrella of honesty with the ability to accept you for you!

Social Wellness, truly is a beautiful thing and research has shown that people who have strong healthy relationships tend to have healthier endocrine systems, enhanced immune systems and cardiovascular systems. For these reasons, you are encouraged to nurture your relationships, because healthy social relationships have the power to possibly extend your life!

With this in mind, make commitments that you know you can keep, break the cycle of the blame game, stop criticizing others holding them to standards that you yourself aren't able to keep, stop trying to get the proverbial splinter out of the other person's eye when you yourself walk around with a humongous plank in your own eye. Therefore, since none of us are water walkers keep in mind the famous quote by French philosopher, Albert Camus, which says: 
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. 
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. 
Just walk beside me and be my friend.


  1. I've followed all 6 of your wellness post and each of them gave me a lot to think about.

    Thank you!

    1. Thank you for reading my post! It is my intention to spark our inner being to become proactive instead of being reactive. Again, thank you for reading and responding. You are appreciated!

  2. Thank you for your encouragement!

  3. It is my intention to offer words of encouragement! Thank you for reading and responding to my post!


Ain't Nobody Grand, but God!