Monday, June 8, 2020

Feelings & Dis~ease

unknown image creator

We all experience a myriad of emotions throughout our day just as the above Plutchik's Emotional Wheel depicts and often times, we ask each other "why are you in your feelings?" as if the feelings should not exist! However, they do exists and to push them away particularly when those feelings are negative or pretend that you don't feel a certain way about a certain thing and/or situation will only be to your own detriment.

Every feeling makes an impression onto our subconscious minds and the subconscious accepts the feelings as true regardless of if those feelings are anger, bliss, contempt, disapproval, fear, rage, joy, or love. The subconscious will bring to reality whatever type of good bad, or indifferent feeling that sets up residence in our minds.

Since our bodies are emotional filters we must be cognizant of our moods and try to find outlets that will not injure either ourselves or others in the expression of those negative feelings. Some people find release from negative feelings by painting, gardening, listening to loud music, dancing, running, scribbling on paper, banging the piano keys, but one thing that you should not do is let those negative feelings fester inside you. Supplant the negative feeling with a positive feeling.

Keep in mind that festered and suppressed feelings are the beginning cause of all dis~eases expressed in the body find your outlet for managing your negative feelings since if we can change our feelings we ultimately change the state of both our physical and mental health.

Remember it's okay to feel the feelings (good, bad, indifferent), however; it's not okay to allow the feelings to take up residence in the recesses of your mind and manifest as high blood pressure, a stroke, ulcers, IBS, colitis, cancers, headaches, body aches and other unfortunate dis~eases.

1 comment:

  1. This was good trying to understand how your physical ailments starts at the mind.


Ain't Nobody Grand, but God!