Thursday, October 4, 2018


Love, love, love! The most magnificent force in the world is l*o*v*e! Love is an unseen
force that causes people to sing songs about it, ignore the ugly behavior of another person,
it will make you come home early or stay out all night long! Love is an amazing force that
can either work for you or against you. If you are in love the euphoric feeling is like the sun
setting over a waterfall on a beautiful summer’s day (total bliss) and sometimes if you are
in love the feeling is dysphoric and then you feel like doo-doo on a stick (yuck 10 times)!

The holy scriptures advises us that we are to above all things have fervent love for one
another, for love will cover a multitude of sins, 1 Peter 4:8; but when a highly intelligent
person puts on an astronaut pamper and drive hundreds of miles to cause harm to another
individual as a result of a love affair gone awry or when a new mother wakes up every hour
to check on a newborn infant who is sleeping peacefully both scenarios demonstrates how
love is certainly a many splendored thing! Love is certainly whatever we make of it and it’s
what everyone needs!

Now, as you know there are all types of love such as love for a child, love for a particular
flavor ice cream, love for a parent, love for learning, love of sports, love of gardening, love
of reading, love of exercising, love for traveling, and of course romantic love just to name a
few of love's powerful options. For the purposes of our discussion I’ll touch on self-love which
is an option of the love feeling that often get ignored or displays itself as low self-esteem or
it is taken to the other end of the spectrum becoming narcissism. Knowing this we have to
keep a healthy balance and this will be my focus, and I will talk about me since I don’t
know you!

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Ain't Nobody Grand, but God!