Saturday, October 27, 2018

Spot Light ~~~ Mrs. Donette Mabry: 
*click on the below link to listen to interview:


Mrs. Mabry began writing music at the tender age of 10 when she was inspired to put two radios together to record one voice and then she used the second radio to put another voice on top of that voice to create harmony in order for her to record a song that was placed in her heart by the Divine Presence!

Now of course, at the time she didn't completely understand the gift that was bestowed upon her at 10 years of age and because of that life allowed her to go down a different path away from her love of music to pursue a college degree and a career in the private sector that had nothing to do with her first love, music.

However, over the years the tug was always on her heart to compose music so she taught herself to play the piano creating beautiful melodies as she exercised her voice getting it stronger as a vocalist and now she has come full circle to live out her dream of following her passion of writing music, producing music, and singing lyrics created to be spiritual soul food as she follows her bliss!

*To contact Mrs. Mabry click on the below link:

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Spot Light ~~~ Dr. Recha Faulkner

Hello World!

In life we meet people from all walks of life we enjoy their stories as we extract the qualities that has potential in serving us with happiness, joy, and knowledge while disposing of the qualities that has absolutely no potential service for our existence. 

Well, Dr. Faulkner is an impressive young woman with uncanny mother wit mixed with a Bachelor of Science Degree, a Bachelors of Divinity Degree, a Doctorate of Divinity Degree, and a published novelist! For those of you that know Dr. Faulkner I know you like myself will love her and for those of you who don't know Dr. Faulkner allow this introduction to her be one of enrichment as you get to know her.

Dr. Faulkner, thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to share with us about your latest creation, "The List How to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams":

Dr.RF: Thank you for presenting me on your platform. I'm grateful for you and the readers.

LLB: It's my pleasure! Dr. Faulkner, please share with us your intentions regarding your latest book, The List.

Dr.RF: It is my intention to bridge the gap between religion and spirituality by giving aspirants principles that may be applied practically. These principles when applied will lead you back to your God/Goddess self and allow you to manifest the life of your dreams. 

LLB: "Life of your dreams" sounds intriguing! You have a concept that you often encourage others to do and that is to "write your vision down" what were your thoughts behind this advice? 

Dr.RF: A dear cousin, a few years my senior gave me an assignment that changed the course of my life forever: "Recha, when you get home make a list of twenty qualities you desire in a man!" This was my first introduction to the list. At the time Biblical scriptures was my only reference. In particularly, Habakkuk 2:2 And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. 

This was years before I was introduced to Metaphysical Sciences, The Law of Attraction or the power of positive thinking. Writing your vision down utilizes your conscious mind and impresses your subconscious mind.

LLB: Enriching! On the surface level it seems so simple, but obviously it has such incredible power if only we were to follow through with the directive of such an astounding Biblical principle!

Dr. Faulkner, do you subscribe to the belief that if we control our thoughts we can and will control our lives:

Dr.RF: Yes, I do ascribe to the belief that if we control our thoughts we can control our lives. Thoughts become words and words manifest as things.

LLB: There you have it ~~~ this is a must read:

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Spot Light...Nathaniel A. Clark

Hello world!

Today I had the privilege of chatting with a childhood friend of mine who is really "Loving Life"! Nathaniel A. Clark is a world class traveler visiting countries near and far protecting our seas, experiencing wonderful cuisine from around the world, exploring their culture and enjoying places like Tokyo, Spain, Italy, Africa, Dubai, Philippines, Germany, and Bahrain just to name a few fabulous places that most people only dream about traveling to.

LLB: Thanks for talking with me today.

NAC: Thanks for having me.

LLB: I’ve been following you on FB and obviously you are "Loving Life" traveling around the world and you have a couple of projects that you are involved in which are real estate and Financial Education Services (FES). Tell us a little about what your intentions are with this service.

NAC: My intentions are to help people establish and build their credit whereby they are able to set up financial stability for themselves and for their families that will last for generations. I believe in if you give a man a fish he’ll eat for a day, but if you teach him to fish he’ll eat for a lifetime. 

What FES offers is financial education that will benefit him and his family for generations to come, because what he learns with FES he will be able to teach his family (children) and the cycle of financial education to build an empire will be established and set in their hearts and minds!

LLB: Okay, I'll add philosopher to your list of gifts that you're bringing to the world! So, tell us what your intentions are in order to break the cycle of lack and disenfranchisement and elevate people to financial security with buying power to be established for generations?

NAC: Currently, people think that if you have a credit score of 700 that you are in great standing, but in fact that is not true! So what I want to do via FES is to help eliminate bad credit reporting and establish good credit reporting. We want to help people manage situations regarding things like judgments, repossessions, student loans, medical bills, removal of late payment reporting, child support, tax liens and things of that nature. We want to turn the negative into a positive with our Protection Plan Program!

LLB: Okay, so you and FES can help to increase a person’s credit score and eliminate and/or remove some of the negative credit reporting which can prevent a person from getting the best interest rates on things like auto loans, mortgage loans, insurance policies, employment opportunities and the like?

NAC: Exactly, you see “Good Credit” vs “Bad/No Credit” determines how much excess unnecessary out of pocket money you’ll pay each month for things like cars. For easy processing I’ll give you an example of a $20,000 auto loan financed for 60 month with an interest rate plan of 6% for someone with very good credit compared to 26% interest rate for someone with average credit and a payment of $387 for someone with very good credit vs a payment of $599 for a person with average credit and this is for the same $20,000 loan. 

The person with the good credit will save over $12,000 in interest payments and save over $200 a month for the payment. That’s money that can be going towards “Loving Life” that’s your thing, right; "Loving Life"?

LLB: Oh snap and you know this! Okay, everyone if you didn’t know now you know contact Nathaniel Clark with United Credit Education Services at for more information!

Nate, thank you for sharing and talking with me today and keep "Loving Life" it does the mind, body, and spirit good!

NAC: It was good talking to you, Joan; take care!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Divine Exuberance...

Let go of the feelings that no longer serve you! Let go of jealousy, hate, envy, fear, frustration, depression, ugliness and hopelessness and cling on to prosperity, love, joy, happiness, hope, courage, health, beauty, and your Divine exuberance and relax into the best you that you can possibly be ~~~ love yourself!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Self Love Work in Progress...

The Universe began to show me ~ me! Various things, people, information, situations, and circumstances began to cross my path revealing to me thoughts I never realized I entertained and teaching me how to evolve into a loving and happy person.

I began to gather information then determine what was usable and placed all else into file 13. I did the following:

I learned from Gregg Braden's 7 Essene Mirrors,
7 Habits of Highly Effective People,
I began to appreciate some of Abraham Hick's advice,
Listened to Dynamic Laws of Prosperity,
Read Neville Goddard's books,
Listened to Frederick J. Eikerenkoetter II,
Subscribed to Agape International,
Hot Yoga,
100 Mile Diet,
Deep Breathing,
Drinking Water,
Smiling Often,
Created a Master Mind Alliance Group,
Continuously Reminded Myself of How Much I LOVE Everything About Me,
Surrendered My Life to the Greater One that Resides in Me!!!
 Related image

Thursday, October 4, 2018


Love, love, love! The most magnificent force in the world is l*o*v*e! Love is an unseen
force that causes people to sing songs about it, ignore the ugly behavior of another person,
it will make you come home early or stay out all night long! Love is an amazing force that
can either work for you or against you. If you are in love the euphoric feeling is like the sun
setting over a waterfall on a beautiful summer’s day (total bliss) and sometimes if you are
in love the feeling is dysphoric and then you feel like doo-doo on a stick (yuck 10 times)!

The holy scriptures advises us that we are to above all things have fervent love for one
another, for love will cover a multitude of sins, 1 Peter 4:8; but when a highly intelligent
person puts on an astronaut pamper and drive hundreds of miles to cause harm to another
individual as a result of a love affair gone awry or when a new mother wakes up every hour
to check on a newborn infant who is sleeping peacefully both scenarios demonstrates how
love is certainly a many splendored thing! Love is certainly whatever we make of it and it’s
what everyone needs!

Now, as you know there are all types of love such as love for a child, love for a particular
flavor ice cream, love for a parent, love for learning, love of sports, love of gardening, love
of reading, love of exercising, love for traveling, and of course romantic love just to name a
few of love's powerful options. For the purposes of our discussion I’ll touch on self-love which
is an option of the love feeling that often get ignored or displays itself as low self-esteem or
it is taken to the other end of the spectrum becoming narcissism. Knowing this we have to
keep a healthy balance and this will be my focus, and I will talk about me since I don’t
know you!

Ain't Nobody Grand, but God!